Intensive Theraplay® Interventions (Intensives) are designed to help families who do not live in proximity to Theraplay practitioners, whose local Theraplay practitioners do not have immediate availability, or who cannot come in for regularly scheduled sessions over several weeks or months. Intensives take place over three days, typically with two Theraplay sessions and two parent conference sessions each day. Parents are actively involved in the sessions and taught techniques that they can use at home to help their child. Two Theraplay therapists will be involved in all sessions. Intensives consist of at least two Theraplay sessions per day plus parent conference sessions. The goal of an intensive intervention is to assess the nature of the family’s concerns and provide treatment that will set the family on a path that can lead to better outcomes in the future. Because this is a short-term intervention, we strongly suggest that there is a home therapist identified to collaborate with the intensive therapists and can carry on the work once the family has returned home.